Tag: Projects

The agile software development process isn’t just about building a product in a shorter time. It also involves more complex considerations from both developers and clients, such as budgeting and charging. How can agile software development projects be managed in terms of budgeting and charging, while remaining cost-effective and efficient? Are there new ways that…

Studying open source development can be an overwhelming endeavor. What is open source software? How can developers make a living working on projects that have no pay associated with them? What prevents projects from getting corrupted or abandoned when contributions depend on volunteer effort? Open source software has become increasingly popular in recent years, due…

Finding and securing projects for software companies can be a daunting task, and one that has a direct effect on revenue. How can companies find projects to get their business off the ground? What strategies should be employed to optimize the number and quality of projects secured? How can companies ensure that they are able…